2009 World AI Conference Call for Workshops

Dear Positive Change Core Colleagues

On behalf of Dr. David Cooperrider, Honorary Conference Chairman, we are pleased to announce the 2009 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference, which will be held November 16-19, 2009 in Kathmandu, Nepal at the Soaltee Crowne Plaza Hotel.

In addition to the in-person conference in Kathmandu, Nepal, an Online Conference will also encircle the globe with hundreds of individuals participating virtually.  As such, you have an opportunity to participate in multiple ways either in person in Nepal, online, or both! Learn more about the conference at: http://www.2009worldaiconference.org

As David comments: Why Nepal? This small but extraordinary country represents a region where Appreciative Inquiry has taken root in dozens of nationwide programs, empowering its citizens–including tens of thousands of women from over 100 ethnicities. I cannot imagine a more appropriate or inspiring setting for us to come together as a community of practitioners and scholars to learn from each other and advance the field of strength-based work together. With this setting serving as our inspiration, we will explore the cutting edge work being done around the world in Appreciative Inquiry and other strength- based methodologies that we can take the positive revolution for change to the next level together! I hope to see you there!

We are currently inviting workshop proposals for the conference, both for in-person and virtual workshops. We are looking for workshops that are rich in example, interactive and engaging, and which illustrate the most innovative use of Appreciative Inquiry and other strength based change approaches to meet the pressing needs of our communities, governments, civil society organizations, and businesses. The conference workshops are an excellent way to bridge theory and practice and are a powerful way to share your work with organizational leaders, managers, change agents, designers, and innovators from all over the world!

Full details about the call for workshop proposals are available at:

Please share the vision of your workshop by using the on-line easy submit form at: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/survey.zgi?p=WEB228S9JLRNUP

The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2009.

For more information on the overall conference agenda and exciting opportunities for co-sponsorship, please visit the conference website at: http://www.2009worldaiconference.org/ or contact: info@2009worldAIconference.org

Finally, please feel free to send the Call for Workshops to people you know. We thank you in advance for your help in identifying the kind of work the whole world should hear about!

Lindsey N. Godwin, Ph.D.
2009 World AI Conference Co-Chair
Assistant Professor of Management
College of Business
Morehead State University

(Sue James, one of our PCC members, is also on the International Advisory Board for the 2009 World AI Conference.)